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Du 25 mars au 20 avril 2024

Commissariat d'exposition : Benoît Pelletier

Vernissage le 25 mars 2024

Sorbonne Artgallery a le plaisir de vous présenter l'exposition « Point de Bascule » de SANDRA MATAMOROS, du 25 mars au 20 avril 2024

Véronique Ellena, visual artist and photographer, is attentive to everything that makes everyday life poetic and profound. The simple beauty of the world around us is at the heart of her preoccupations. Her work addresses a number of issues: man's place in society, the environment and its symbolism, and the relationship between art and spirituality. In her series, for example, she has taken as much interest in the small pleasures of everyday life as in still lifes and the homeless.

Trained at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre in Brussels, in the photography studio of Gilbert Fastenaekens, she has received several public commissions (Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Musée André Malraux in Le Havre) and exhibited in France and abroad.

Winner of the Prix de Rome and resident at the Villa Médicis in 2007, she lived between Paris and Rome for several years.

In 2015, she created the Millennium stained glass window for Strasbourg Cathedral and won the Intelligence of the Hand Prize (Dialogue Category) from the Bettencourt Schuller Foundation with master glassmaker Pierre-Alain Parot.

In 2018 her work is the subject of a retrospective at the Musée Réattu, Arles.

In 2020, she exhibits her images in situ at the prestigious Parc Floral in Paris, and in 2021 Le Hangar in Brussels devotes a major exhibition to her, "Vivre sa vie".

In 2022, she was invited to take part in the event Campagne première, then returned to the Villa Medicis for the Florence and Damien Bachelot collection exhibition.

Her work can be found in numerous museum collections - Centre Georges Pompidou, Fonds national d'Art contemporain, Frac Île-de-France - and private collections - Florence & Damien Bachelot collection, Christian Lacroix collection.

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